Would you like to know the latest news about Marratxí related to events in the municipality? You can do it here. With news, interviews, reports, opinions and other content. What do you want to know?
More than 60 exhibition and sales stalls, with the presence of 14 groups from outside Mallorca, attended the event, with thousands of attendees over the weekend Marratxí is once again home to the massive Motor Retro fair, which has gathered...
The participation of families has been higher than in past editions, as well as the stalls, more than twenty, of game shops, artisans and cartoonists. Marratxí experienced a day of geek pride with 1,500 people participating this Sunday in the...
This is the second edition held in Marratxí, repeating the forest of the Fang Museum as the setting and doubling attendance figures. A dozen illustrators and authors have participated in this sixth edition. The sixth edition of the Tinta Il·lustre...
Storytelling, Robòtix workshop, recommendation stalls, and musicalized tales have been the most outstanding activities. Over 200 people visited this morning the Sa Refinadora square in Es Pont d’Inca to participate in the day of activities organized by the city council...
The inauguration took place this Friday at the Ca Ses Monges de Pòrtol exhibition hall. “Baix Llum Mallorquina” presents different photographic series of the island without tourists, in the year 2020, traditions, places, and natural landscapes. Patrick Morarescu, a German...
El Gaming Day arriba aquest dissabte a Marratxí, una jornada per a joves i famílies on podran gaudir d'una experiència gamer completa, plena d'activitats i tornejos.
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