The emblematic shops are a symbol and expression of the identity of Marratxí, establishments that have managed to stand the test of time. For this reason, we want to help increase awareness of them because they form part of the history of the municipality and their products are of the highest quality.
Where to find them:
C. Sa Roca Llisa, 26 · Marratxí · Mallorca
Cas Canonge, 41 · Pòrtol · Marratxí · Mallorca
C. Major, 103 A (Pòrtol)

Olleria Can Vent
C. Trinitat, 39 · Marratxí · Mallorca
c/Jaume I, nº 6 – SaCabaneta
Major, 93
Camí de son Alegre, 1

Cals Ollers 5 Pòrtol
Si voleu una informació més detallada de cadascun d’ells consulta-la en: https://aparador.marratxi.es/categoria/comerc-emblematic